You should definitely try to get as JACKED as possible – morph into a superhuman!!
There are numerous reasons one may choose to strive for the physical capabilities and muscular frame of an archetypal superhero:
Your reason(s) for choosing to proceed as such reflects an innate understanding on your part that the aforementioned benefits are indeed highly-impactful on the human experience & obtainable in reality.
Perhaps you have a friend or family member who has committed themselves to physical excellence – or physical “culture”, as Eugen Sandow (a late Persian Strongman and the father of modern bodybuilding) would have referred to it. You are then no doubt keenly aware of the benefits enjoyed by said individual stemming from his or her commitment to such excellence. That is not only because physical fitness is increasingly scarce in our modern society, where new paradigms of overconsumption and instant gratification usher in an antithetical zeitgeist; rather, exercise and skeletal muscle-building in particular – especially when combined with a lifestyle incorporating clean, balanced dieting and other pillars of clinical wellness – can enhance a person’s life to the point of becoming an identifying characteristic.
Strength and How to Obtain It (1897) by Eugen Sandow
Physically morphing yourself into a superhuman is life-changing and completely worth the investment of force, time, growth, and energy into your body and mind. I argue before you today that it enhances and upgrades every conceivable aspect of your existence as a biological being. To say nothing of the deference and respect our society offers to athletes and the physically-gifted, transforming into a more muscular version of yourself with a lower body-fat percentage stands to redefine your identity. The reasons for this are rooted deeply in evolutionary psychology and our perception that muscularity must also be very healthy.
As you continue onward down a path of consistent physical training and recovery, you will find your mood stabilizing, energy increasing, sleep quality improving, and self-esteem skyrocketing. Endogenous pain-killing chemicals released by the body both during and after exercise act as natural anesthetics and euphoriants, imparting a certain graceful radiance to your movements and demeanor. Finally, you will approach strenuous challenges with a newfound lack of apprehension – a heroic mentality that will manifest itself through any way from carrying many grocery bags simultaneously, opening tight jars or manipulating heavy equipment, and exemplifying a professional presence both in/out of the gym.
Most fundamentally, you will become a part of a welcoming community of others who will encourage you to continue a routine of physical wellness and culture that will serve you well for decades to come!
Ah, yes. Congratulations!
If you have followed me this far, you no doubt acquiesce to the compelling case I have postulated in favor of superhuman transformation. I now further posit that it is an easier physical journey than you might imagine. The difficulty lies in the mental realm.
Fortunately for you, this is elementary Saigal Clinic curriculum; adhere to the following lifestyle guidelines and I assure you that NOT transforming into a classic superhuman physique is a scientific impossibility:
Eat 2 small meals per day (one following your AM workout). Ideally, go all day without food and eat only a dinner meal. The meals should consist of a protein source, fruits, vegetables, and water. It’s not that hard: drink black coffee and water during the day as needed if you get hungry. As a general rule, eat only when you are hungry – humans evolved this way for thousands of years and I promise you can do it too.
What about sugar, carbohydrates, and healthy fat? They can also come from your protein sources, as no sources of protein are pure 100% amino acids (molecular units of protein) – whether you consume meat [including fish], beans, peanut butter, or milk & eggs for your protein, these sources contain healthy carbs, fats, and other nutrients. Don’t stack more calories on top for the sake of trying to acquire more micronutrients or reach arbitrary macronutrient requirements (as many amateur bodybuilders may be inclined toward doing) because our food is made of organic compounds containing carbon atoms that hold energy as they are bonded with other atoms; it is this energy we harness in the act of eating & drinking – therefore your body is really good at taking more of it than necessary and storing it as fat.
However, chronic obesity is now associated with the highest rates of death and disease that our human species has ever been witness to – this applies to metabolic diseases such as high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes as well as cancer and arthritis. It is imperative that we understand the power of eating on a PRN [“Pro Re Nata” — the Latin phrase meaning “as necessary”] basis to restore wellness, vitality, and a healthy metabolic profile to the masses; especially in the setting of concurrent exercise & proper sleep. It’s the only way we’ll counter the obesity epidemic in a society glorifying the consumption of nutrient-poor, calorie-dense meals on an around-the-clock basis. Try eating once to twice per day. You can do it!
Note: Furthermore, eat only to a point of early satiety (feeling “almost full”). The Japanese expression hara hachi bu emphasizes mindful caloric restriction when eating to a point of feeling about 80% sated. It is likely no coincidence that the native Japanese populace enjoys a higher than average global life expectancy. The science behind this is complex and has to do with cellular metabolism along with oxidative damage to DNA. Importantly however, it is only one factor involved in determining overall longevity, as genetics and other epigenetic variables are also powerful determinants of how long any given person will live for.
By the way, avoid protein powder, pre-workout, or any supplementation in general because it is completely unnecessary [with the obvious exception of those patients who are deficient for medical reasons]. Trust: Saigal Clinic will never try and sell you any of this stuff. A balanced diet takes care of all of your nutrient requirements. Just lead a moderated lifestyle including a healthy diet (preferably high in protein, fruits & veggies) and you will not be short of energy or have insufficient nutrient intake.
Having an ample amount of fat tissue on the body is not inherently unhealthy and may even have been of great benefit to our ancestors in times of food shortages, leading us to evolve a robust ability to become fat. I personally am very good it the moment I eat a few calories more than necessary. As a general Saigal Clinic guideline, don’t eat desserts, drink sodas/sugary beverages, add sugar/cream to your coffee, or use any kind of mayonnaise-based sauces or high-fructose condiments. Needless to say, minimize cheese, bread, tobacco/alcohol, and other high-calorie, high-risk or otherwise hazardous foods/behaviors.
Sleep for an uninterrupted 6-8 hours per night.
This is made easier by having a consistent exercise routine that signals your body toward rest & recovery.
Minimize fluid/caffeine intake in addition to curtailing phone & screen usage closer to bedtime, further reiterating to your body that the time for relaxation and rest is at hand.
Dial into a routine of sleeping & waking around the same times every day and night.
Nature manifests itself using a variety of cycles and our sleep patterns should be no different.
Research has demonstrated the indispensable effects of regular sleep patterns on physical as well as mental well-being.
We have evolved as a species to be in bed shortly after the sun goes down after going hard all day in an ongoing effort to pass down our intact genomes to future generations, ready again by sunrise.
Choose to synchronize yourself with nature’s cyclical mechanisms and you will be equilibrated toward your highest level of health, wellness, and longevity.
As biological beings governed by the same rules of natural selection and genetic speciation as every other life form in the universe, we have no choice in the matter when it comes to our health.
Sleep when the sun goes down and be ready for another day of conquest at dawn tomorrow. Forever.
Notice how physical activity isn’t even the most important part when it comes to your physique. I chose to talk about it third in relation to nutrition and sleep – although it is certainly imperative. The reason for this is that if your dietary and sleep cycles have been optimized, now you are in a position to harness the power of fitness to complete your superhuman transformation. As long as you are getting some form of aerobic exercise (“cardio”), strength training (whether that involves lifting weights or lifting yourself with calisthenic movements [e.g. pushups]), and basic stretching/range of motion activity on a near-daily basis, it is only a matter of time. A physically-active career and lifestyle are of great benefit in this regard.
Ladies and Gentlemen, master the Saigal Fitness Trifecta of Diet, Sleep, and Exercise and an enhanced version of you will emerge naturally over the forthcoming weeks. This will not only revolutionize your own understanding of yourself, but will create opportunities for you to accomplish & achieve like never before.
FYI – I also encourage regular deviation from a strictly dialed-in, robotic routine. For instance: once or twice per week in disciplined moderation, have at a rewarding bite or two of dessert or sips of your favorite sugary drink. This will actually assist you in developing a system that rewards you for having “earned” a right to enjoy yourself through any of numerous cuisines & sweets out there today.
Best of luck in manifesting your superhuman self and smashing your goals with fulfillment & grace!
Remember to use your newfound strength and biomechanical enhancements responsibly.
You will become a super person in no time.
Until Next Time,
Ammar AKA DOC6
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